
A simple Python API for Investopedia's stock simulator games. This programmatically logs into Investopedia and can retrieve portfolio summary, get stock quotes & option chain lookups, execute trades - buy & sell shares, puts, calls, sell short, etc.

View the Project on GitHub dchrostowski/investopedia_simulator_api


A simple Python API for Investopedia’s stock simulator games.


Currently you can programmatically:


To use this API, there are a few dependencies that you will need to install. See the below sections for an explanation of each.


This API is intended to be used for writing Python programs to automate trades in the Investopedia Stock Simulator, therefore you should have Python installed on your system. I recommend using Python 3.12.2 or later to avoid running into issues or other problems. You can download Python here.

Git (optional)

This API is not currently hosted as a package anywhere, so you’ll need to download the code directly from GitHub to use it. Download and install the latest version of Git on your system and run the following in a terminal to download a copy of this repository:

git clone

Alternatively, you can just download a zipped archive of the source code directly from this project’s GitHub page and unzip it somewhere on your filesystem. To do this, click on the green Code button and select Download ZIP.


Node.js is utilized to facilitate logging in to the simulator with a virtual web browser and fetching authentication tokens. Download and install the latest version of Node.js on your system here..


Once all dependencies are installed, you will need to use pip to install supplementary Python packages to run your code with the API. Open a terminal on your system and navigate to where you downloaded this code:

cd path/to/investopedia_simulator_api

Next run the following command to install the supplementary packages:

pip install -r ./requirements.txt

Once all the required packages are installed, you will need to provide your login credentials for the Investopedia Stock Simulator. Rename the credentials_example.json file to credentials.json, open it, and replace the username and password values with your actual username and password for logging in to Investopedia. Make sure you leave the double quotes intaact.

Finally, try running the provided file. This file is a usage example of the API. Feel free to modify it as you see fit for your needs:




``` from investopedia_api import InvestopediaApi import json from datetime import datetime, timedelta from api_models import OptionScope from trade_common import OrderLimit, TransactionType, Expiration, StockTrade, OptionTrade

credentials = {} with open(‘credentials.json’) as ifh: credentials = json.load(ifh)

look at credentials_example.json

credentials = {“username”: “”, “password”: “yourpassword” }

client = InvestopediaApi(credentials)

p = client.portfolio print(“\nPortfolio Details”) print(“————————————————-“) print(“Portfolio Value: %s” % p.account_value) print(“Cash: %s” % print(“Buying Power: %s” % p.buying_power) print(“Annual Return Percent: %s” % p.annual_return_pct) print(“————————————————-“)

print(“\nOpen Orders:”)

To cancel a pending trade, run open_order.cancel()

for open_order in p.open_orders: print(“————————————————-“) print(“Trade Type: %s” % open_order.trade_type) print(“Symbol: %s” % open_order.symbol) print(“Quantity: %s” % open_order.quantity) print(“Price: %s” % open_order.order_price) print(“————————————————-“) print(“————————————————-“)

stock_portfolio = p.stock_portfolio short_portfolio = p.short_portfolio option_portfolio = p.option_portfolio

print(“\nStock Portfolio Details:”) print(“————————————————-“) print(“Market Value: %s” % p.stock_portfolio.market_value) print(“Today’s Gain: %s (%s%%)” % (p.stock_portfolio.day_gain_dollar, p.stock_portfolio.day_gain_percent)) print(“Total Gain: %s (%s%%)” % (p.stock_portfolio.total_gain_dollar, p.stock_portfolio.total_gain_percent)) print(“————————————————-“)

print(“\nLong Positions:”) for position in p.stock_portfolio: print(“————————————————-“) print(“Company: %s (%s)” % (position.description, position.symbol)) print(“Shares: %s” % position.quantity) print(“Purchase Price: %s” % position.purchase_price) print(“Current Price: %s” % position.current_price) print(“Today’s Gain: %s (%s%%)” % (position.day_gain_dollar, position.day_gain_percent)) print(“Total Gain: %s (%s%%)” % (position.total_gain_dollar, position.total_gain_percent)) print(“Market/Total Value: %s” % position.market_value) print(“\t——————————”) print(“\tQuote”) print(“\t——————————”) quote = position.quote for k,v in quote.dict.items(): print(“\t%s: %s” % (k,v)) print(“\t——————————”) print(“————————————————-“)

print(“\nShort Positions:”) for position in p.short_portfolio: print(“————————————————-“) print(“Company: %s (%s)” % (position.description, position.symbol)) print(“Shares: %s” % position.quantity) print(“Purchase Price: %s” % position.purchase_price) print(“Current Price: %s” % position.current_price) print(“Today’s Gain: %s (%s%%)” % (position.day_gain_dollar, position.day_gain_percent)) print(“Total Gain: %s (%s%%)” % (position.total_gain_dollar, position.total_gain_percent)) print(“Market/Total Value: %s” % position.market_value) print(“\t——————————”) print(“\tQuote”) print(“\t——————————”) quote = position.quote for k,v in quote.dict.items(): print(“\t%s: %s” % (k,v)) print(“\t——————————”) print(“————————————————-“)

print(“\nOption Positions:”) for position in p.option_portfolio: print(“————————————————-“) print(“Company: %s (%s)” % (position.description, position.underlying_symbol)) print(“Symbol: %s” % position.symbol) print(“Contracts: %s” % position.quantity) print(“Purchase Price: %s” % position.purchase_price) print(“Current Price: %s” % position.current_price) print(“Today’s Gain: %s (%s%%)” % (position.day_gain_dollar, position.day_gain_percent)) print(“Total Gain: %s (%s%%)” % (position.total_gain_dollar, position.total_gain_percent)) print(“Market/Total Value: %s” % position.market_value) print(“\t——————————”) print(“\tQuote”) print(“\t——————————”) quote = position.quote for k,v in quote.dict.items(): print(“\t%s: %s” % (k,v)) print(“\t——————————”) print(“————————————————-“)

Make a stock trade

Buy 2 shares of GOOG with limit $100 and no expiration

tt1 = TransactionType.BUY ol1 = OrderLimit.LIMIT(100) exp1 = Expiration.GOOD_UNTIL_CANCELLED() trade1 = StockTrade(portfolio_id=p.portfolio_id, symbol=”GOOG”, quantity=2, transaction_type=tt1, order_limit=ol1, expiration=exp1) trade1.validate() trade1.execute()

Buy 3 shares of AAPL at market value with expiration set to end of day

defaults order_limit to OrderLimit.MARKET() and expiration to Expiration.END_OF_DAY())

trade2 = StockTrade(portfolio_id=p.portfolio_id, symbol=’AAPL’, quantity=3, transaction_type=TransactionType.BUY) trade2.validate() trade2.execute()

short sell 1 share of AMZN

trade3 = StockTrade(portfolio_id=p.portfolio_id, symbol=’AMZN’, quantity=1, transaction_type=TransactionType.SELL_SHORT) trade3.validate() trade3.execute()

client.refresh_portfolio() p = client.portfolio

for open_order in p.open_orders: if open_order.symbol == ‘GOOG’ and open_order.quantity == 2: # cancel GOOG trade open_order.cancel()

if open_order.symbol == 'AAPL' and open_order.quantity == 3:
    # cancel AAPL trade

if open_order.symbol == 'AMZN' and open_order.quantity == 1:
    # cancel AMZN trade

stock_portfolio = p.stock_portfolio if len(p.stock_portfolio) > 0: # first long position in portfolio first_long_position = p.stock_portfolio[0] symbol = first_long_position.symbol quantity = first_long_position.quantity

# execute trade to sell position in portfolio
p = client.portfolio
for oo in p.open_orders:
    if oo.symbol == symbol and oo.quantity == quantity:
        # cancel trade to sell first position in portfolio

short_portfolio = p.short_portfolio if len(p.short_portfolio) > 0: # first short position in portfolio first_short_position = p.short_portfolio[0] symbol = first_short_position.symbol quantity = first_short_position.quantity

# execute trade to cover position in portfolio
p = client.portfolio
for oo in p.open_orders:
    # cancel cover trade you just made
    if oo.symbol == symbol and oo.quantity == quantity:
        # cancel trade to cover first position in portfolio

if len(p.option_portfolio) > 0: first_option_contract = p.option_portfolio[0] symbol = first_option_contract.symbol quantity = first_option_contract.quantity # close out first option contract in portfolio first_option_contract.close() client.refresh_portfolio() p = client.portfolio for oo in p.open_orders: # cancel order to close out contract if oo.symbol == symbol and oo.quantity == quantity: oo.cancel()

Gets all available option contracts for AAPL

oc = client.get_option_chain(‘AAPL’) all_options = oc.all() print(“There are %s available option contracts for AAPL” % len(all_options))

two_weeks_from_today = + timedelta(days=14) print(“AAPL in-the-money put options expiring within two weeks:”) put_options_near_expiration_itm =, puts=True, calls=False, scope=OptionScope.IN_THE_MONEY) for option in put_options_near_expiration_itm: print(“%s:\n\tbid: %s\n\task: %s\n\tlast price: %s\n\texpires:%s” % (option.symbol,, option.ask, option.last, option.expiration.strftime(“%m/%d/%Y”) ))

option_to_buy = put_options_near_expiration_itm[0] trade4 = OptionTrade(portfolio_id=p.portfolio_id, symbol=option_to_buy.symbol, quantity=1, transaction_type=TransactionType.BUY) trade4.validate() trade4.execute() client.refresh_portfolio()

p = client.portfolio for oo in p.open_orders: if oo.symbol == option_to_buy.symbol: oo.cancel()
